INNOTECH facilitates Training of Trainers on Flexible Learning Pedagogies
From 3 to 4 April 2019, SEAMEO INNOTECH, through its Flexible Learning Solutions Unit, facilitated a Training of Trainers (TOT) for one of its partner Higher Education Institutions, the Capitol University (CU) in Cagayan de Oro City. Twenty-eight (28) faculty and staff of CU participated in the said training.
As CU prepares to offer courses through blended learning, they have requested the assistance of SEAMEO INNOTECH in order to equip their faculty and staff in managing online flexible courses. Mr. Juan Robertino Macalde, Senior Specialist from the Flexible Learning Solutions Unit of SEAMEO INNOTECH, facilitated the TOT along with Mr. Louis Mark Plaza, Specialist from the same unit. Patterned on the flexible learning programs of the Center, the participants were introduced on how to establish a learning management system, design and facilitate an online course, and assess the learning of their students. INNOTECH also shared its experiences and lessons learned in managing an online learning system.
The Capitol University has been a partner of SEAMEO INNOTECH since early 2018. One of its major collaboration is the Joint Graduate Diploma program where completers of INNOTECH flexible courses would also gain an equivalent academic credit for a graduate program in the university. About 60 completers of INNOTECH flexible courses have already expressed their interest to avail the Joint Graduate Diploma.