INNOTECH facilitates Training of Trainers for Central Philippines University
Along with the Memorandum of Understanding between SEAMEO INNOTECH and the Central Philippine University (CPU), the Center facilitated a blended learning course entitled “Training of Trainers on the Flexible Learning Pedagogy” for selected CPU faculty and staff. These faculty and staff members are the ones which will be involved in an online learning program that CPU is currently developing.
The course is a blended face-to-face and online learning. It aims to equip the participants with the knowledge, skills, attitude, and values required in developing and implementing flexible learning courses. Through the 4-day course, participants were introduced to the latest technologies used for flexible learning processes, as well as to their roles as members of the Course Management Team and as Flexible Learning Tutors. Participants got to experience the Learning Management System (LMS) first-hand along with a discussion on policies on learners’ evaluation. They were also trained on facilitating synchronous and asynchronous discussions, and on giving feedback and constructive criticisms to their learners. At the end of the course, the participants were asked to develop an action plan on how they will organize and implement their flexible learning courses.
This 4-day Training of Trainers was held from 5-8 September 2017 at the CPU Campus in Iloilo City. This is part of SEAMEO INNOTECH’s efforts in order to transfer matured technologies and e-Solutions to partner institutions in SEAMEO member countries.