INNOTECH facilitates study visit of Don Bosco Press Inc.
On 28 February 2019, Don Bosco Press Inc. (DBPI), a textbook publishing company and printing press, visited SEAMEO INNOTECH to know more about the emerging issues and trends in education which can help them improve their own programs. Ten staff from DBPI were introduced to related projects and programs of the Center.
As DBPI is interested on the current issues and trends in education in the region, staff from the Educational Research and Innovation Office (ERIO) shared some of their recent research projects and studies on Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM), Infollution, Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD), Early Grade Reading Assessment and Early Grade Math Assessment (EGRA/EGMA), ASEAN Integration, and Teacher Motivation. Recent tools and solutions developed by the Center were also shared, such as the ADM Toolkit for Secondary Education, Toolkit for Building Disaster-Resilient School Communities in Southeast Asia, Education in Emergencies, Weaving Identities Toolkit, e-Citizenship, and Mobile Technology for Teachers, to name a few. These researches and products were done in order to provide policy recommendations as well as learning materials that will instruction, pedagogy and learning delivery. The tools, such as ADM and Education in Emergencies, were developed to serve as alternatives to formal education.
Furthermore, as DBPI also conducts seminars and trainings for its clients, INNOTECH shared its training programs for teachers, such as the eXCELS Course Suite for school heads and GURO21 for teachers. These courses are CPD-accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Staff from the Center’s Learning Management Office also shared about face-to-face training programs and the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The MOOC entitled Teach On, is something new for online courses as it tackles teacher’s passion for teaching.
Don Bosco Press Inc. (DBPI) is a Catholic educational publishing and printing organization that also have a training institution. DBPI publishes school textbooks, produces teaching and learning resources, and provides training on publishing and printing. The brief visit of DBPI to SEAMEO INNOTECH did not only serve as a venue for knowledge sharing, but also opened opportunities for the two institutions to collaborate.