INNOTECH, ECCD Council, and DepEd conclude STEPP Project Phase 1 in the Philippines
Back in 2016, UNESCO initiated a multi-country study called Survey of Teachers in Pre-Primary Education (STEPP). This is in partnership with different research institutions and universities around the world. The project aims to collect pertinent information on the situation, practices, and needs of pre-primary education personnel in low- and middle-income countries. Seven countries participated in the study, namely the Dominican Republic, Ghana, Indonesia, Namibia, Togo, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
The Philippine National Team for STEPP consists of the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Council, Department of Education (DepEd) Bureau of Learning Delivery, DepEd National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) and SEAMEO INNOTECH. Phase 1 of the STEPP Project in the Philippines completed its field trial last November 2018. The trial aimed to test the survey instrument which was based on OECD’s Starting Strong Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS).
The team participated in a series of webinar trainings on the development of a sampling framework for the field trial, field trial administration and quality monitoring, drawing sample and managing the field trial data, and on adaptation and layout of instrument and manual. The team has also organized the National Orientation on the Field Trial Administration and Quality Monitoring last August 28, 2018 which was attended by 23 participants and 2 quality monitoring officers from all over the country.
The STEPP Project hopes to inform policy makers in developing effective strategies for quality pre-primary education. This project is led by the Education Sector of UNESCO and the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), which provided technical expertise in the design and operationalization of the survey.