INNOTECH, DepEd BAE, USAID, EDC analyze Community Learning Centers under Opportunity 2.0
SEAMEO INNOTECH organized the Analysis of CLC Survey Results Workshop on November 10, 2023. The activity was conducted in INNOTECH and was designed to analyze the results
from the Community Learning Centers’ (CLCs’) Survey, which investigated the profile and status of CLCs in the country. The survey was conducted by the Philippine Department of Education (DepED BAE).
The workshop was participated in and co-facilitated by representatives of the DepEd BAE headed by Dr. Lynn Padillo, Director III and the EDC, headed by Dr. Maria Theresa Mokamad,
Deputy Chief of Party.

Philip Purnell of the Education Development Center analyzes the results from the Community Learning Centers’ Survey conducted by the Philippine Department of Education Bureau of Alternative Education (DepED BAE) together with some INNOTECH staff.
The CLC Survey Analysis is one of the technical assistance activities provided by SEAMEO INNOTECH to the DepEd BAE through EDC under the USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program. Mr.
Clement Rasul, consultant at SEAMEO INNOTECH led the analysis of the survey results. The study will serve as input in determining priority areas for resource programming aimed at
improving the ALS learning environment.