INNOTECH, DepEd, UNICEF develop LAC Resources for ALS Implementers
SEAMEO INNOTECH, in partnership with the Department of Education (DepEd) Alternative Learning System (ALS) and UNICEF Philippines, completed the development of a set of Learning Action Cell (LAC) resources specifically designed to equip ALS implementers in the Philippines with materials to help raise literacy on digital citizenship in K-12. The “LAC Resource Package on Mobile Technology for Teachers (MT4T) and Its Digital Citizenship Resources” was developed under the tripartite project, Technical Support to DepEd Alternative Learning System 2.0 Plan, or TS-ALS 2.0.
The LAC resources for ALS implementers comply with DepEd Order 35, s. 2016, which pertains to the implementation of LAC sessions as a strategy for Continuing Professional Development to improve teaching and learning. These also seek to strengthen the learning delivery of ALS programs, particularly for the Learning Strand 6 of the revised DepEd ALS K to 12 Curriculum focused on digital citizenship in the Philippines.
What to Expect from the LAC Resources
The content of the LAC resources is drawn from SEAMEO INNOTECH’s MT4T resource kit, which is also a recommended resource for ALS teachers under the DepEd ALS Learning Continuity Plan.
The resource package comprises two LAC guides, a set of editable presentation slides, competency assessments forms, and other supplementary materials. Each LAC guide offers ways to conduct the LAC sessions focusing on digital citizenship literacy in various classroom settings, considering both face-to-face and remote classroom set-ups. The resource package is also complemented by a total of four instructional videos (averaging 30 minutes each) that provide an overview of the LAC guides and some tips for the LAC facilitators. The LAC topics covered by this resource are on (1) “Enhancing Digital Citizenship through MT4T” and (2) “Contextualization of MT4T e-Citizenship Learning Packets.” The first LAC topic intends to introduce the MT4T resource kit and promote its use among ALS teachers for teaching and learning and professional networking. The second LAC topic seeks to capacitate ALS teachers in contextualizing MT4T’s set of learning packets on digital citizenship, called “e-Citizenship.”
Each of LAC guide has two parts, which are meant to be delivered in succession. Completing the first LAC session guide is a pre-requisite for the second LAC session guide. The resources were finalized based on the recommendations from the result of the field try-outs done in March 2021. Prior to its approval by DepEd ALS Assistant Secretary G.H. S. Ambat, the LAC materials underwent a series of reviews and refinements that included responding to comments received from UNICEF Philippines and ALS Task Force to successfully enhance digital citizenship in education.
The Importance of Digital Citizenship for Students in the 21st Century
Learners and teachers need to navigate the digital world we live in to stay safe and well-informed. The importance of digital citizenship for teachers and students alike cannot be overstated as it can equip them with skills to keep themselves safe, avoid disinformation, practice proper etiquette, and build healthy relationships with technology.
Start Building Digital Citizenship Literacy in Education
As an educational technology organization, SEAMEO INNOTECH supports schools and educational organizations in building digital citizenship among educators and, inevitably, learners.
The “LAC Resource Package on MT4T and Its Digital Citizenship Resources” may be accessed from the ICT4ALS website and may be used as models for developing new LAC session guides for the DepEd Alternative Learning System.