INNOTECH, DepEd, UNICEF conduct orientation on the use of ALS LAC Resource Package on MT4T
SEAMEO INNOTECH, in partnership with the Department of Education (DepEd) Alternative Learning System (ALS) Task Force and UNICEF Philippines, conducted a one-day orientation to introduce the use of the Learning Action Cell (LAC) Resource Package for ALS implementers on 25 June 2021. The orientation was done online through Microsoft Teams.
(Related article: INNOTECH, DepEd, UNICEF conduct writeshop to develop ALS LAC session guide)
Under the tripartite agreement between INNOTECH, DepEd, and UNICEF Philippines, the Center was tasked to develop LAC session guides on the use of Mobile Technology for Teachers (MT4T) and on the contextualization of the e-Citizenship Learning Packets. This is part of the Center’s deliverables for the Technical Support to ALS 2.0 Project.
(Related article: INNOTECH pilot tests ALS LAC resources on MT4T in three regions)
Following the LAC materials development in February 2021 and field try-out in March 2021, INNOTECH convened ALS key trainers and other ALS implementers in the country to orient them on the “LAC Resource Package on MT4T and Its Digital Citizenship Resources.” More than 100 ALS key implementers and regional ALS focal persons participated in the online orientation. The one-day event also served as a planning meeting to discuss the monitoring and evaluation of the pilot implementation of the said ALS LAC materials.
The first half of the program focused on presenting the finalized and completed LAC resource package. The INNOTECH team led the orientation activities, with emphasis on the two LAC session guides on “Enhancing Digital Citizenship through Mobile Technology for Teachers” and “Contextualizing the e-Citizenship Learning Packets.” The program also included Q&A sessions to provide the ALS implementers opportunities to give their feedback on the materials.
The latter half of the program was devoted to the planning of the pilot utilization of the ALS LAC resources. The Center presented the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) plan that will involve close to a hundred ALS key trainers. The ALS key trainers took part in the capacity building program on the MT4T last December 2020. They are expected to lead the pilot utilization of the ALS LAC resources in their respective regions or community-based learning centers beginning 1 July until 13 August 2021.
Initial planning by the regions were likewise done during the program in breakout rooms to discuss how the LAC sessions can be implemented within a prescribed period.
The pilot utilization of the DepEd ALS LAC Resource Package is ongoing and will be completed by 13 August 2021. This will be followed by an online M&E survey from 16-20 August 2021, administered by the Center among all participating ALS key trainers who served as LAC facilitators. The DepEd ALS LAC Resource Package on MT4T may be accessed from the ICT4ALS website.