INNOTECH and DepEd BLSS-YFD Collaborate in Enhancing Career Development for Children
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH) and the Department of Education (DepEd) through the Bureau of Learning Support Services (BLSS)- Youth Formation Division (YFD) jointly initiated a research and development project entitled, Career Development for Children (CD4C): Technical Assistance on Developing Career Guidance Resources for Key Stage 1 to provide continuous support to the DepEd’s Career Guidance Program (CGP).
Building upon the successful collaboration between INNOTECH and DepEd in developing the Multiple Career Development Pathways (MCDP) Toolkit from 2015 to 2018, which is presently utilized as a supplementary resource by DepEd career guidance advocates for Grade 10 career coaching and guidance sessions, the CD4C project enters a new phase of innovation, this time, developing tailored career guidance resources specifically designed for young learners.
The CD4C project consists of two phases. The research phase seeks to illuminate how elementary-level career guidance implementers deliver career guidance activities and determine the necessary teaching and learning resources for Kindergarten to Grade 3 students. Meanwhile, the development phase will focus on creating evidence-based, developmentally appropriate, and culturally relevant career guidance resources specifically designed for key stage 1.
Within the context of the ongoing research phase, a national online survey is underway to gather valuable insights from career guidance implementers in DepEd elementary schools. Under the DepEd Memo OUPS-2024-11-01978 dated 11 March 2024, entitled National Online Survey on Career Development for Children (CD4C), DepEd guidance counselors and guidance designates are urged to participate in the survey to contribute their insights and help shape the future of career development for young learners. The national online survey will remain open until 29 March 2024, accessible through here.
The results from this survey will likewise help come up with a baseline data and profile of public elementary-level career guidance implementers and provide inputs to the design and implementation of a comprehensive CGP that is aligned with DepEd’s MATATAG curriculum.
This collaborative R&D project aims to serve as a springboard towards enhancing career guidance resources for and fostering the holistic development of young learners across the Philippines.
For more information about the project, please email cd4c@seameo-innotech.org. See the official DepEd memorandum through here: DepEd Memo CGP.