INNOTECH conducts training on Project-Based Learning in Thailand
SEAMEO INNOTECH, in partnership with Muang Krabi School in Thailand, conducted a five-week blended training on Project-Based Learning (PBL) from 15 August to 15 September 2022. The program was participated by teachers and school administrators.
As learners go back to face-to-face learning, there is a need to further strengthen student engagement for better learning experience. Project-Based Learning, or PBL, is a teaching method where students identify a question, problem, or challenge that is relevant to them. They are involved in a project over an extended period, where they decide what to investigate, why the investigation is necessary, and how to do it. This method allows them to learn in a more meaningful and authentic way.
The training on PBL for Muang Krabi School allowed the participants to understand the principles and processes that make up PBL. Through the synchronous and asynchronous training activities, they were able to practice the basic tools and techniques of PBL and apply it to their own context as teachers and school administrators.
SEAMEO INNOTECH continues to provide learning programs fit to the needs of teachers and school administrators across the Southeast Asian region. Know more about our learning programs through our website.