INNOTECH conducts school leadership program in Cambodia
SEAMEO INNOTECH and the National Institute of Education (NIE) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MOEYS) of Cambodia partnered once again to conduct a school leadership program for selected future School Directors in the country. The week-long program was held from 29 August to 2 September 2022 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
The importance of school leadership has been emphasized during this time of global pandemic. It is critical to the success of a school, its teachers, and students. School leaders contribute to improving student learning by supporting and developing teacher quality, shaping the conditions and climate of the teaching-learning environment, and connecting and adapting to the changing external environments.
This school leadership program hopes to prepare the participants to become school leaders that are capable of innovating education solutions at the school community level. The program deep dives into the five essential competencies of school leaders as identified on the Competency Framework for Southeast Asian School Heads.
(Read: Competency Framework for Southeast Asian School Heads)
A total of 22 teacher-leaders were selected to participate in the school leadership program. Through the week-long program, they were taught how they can better navigate through changing school context, lead innovations in learning, nurture professional development of teachers, and engage their stakeholders.
The school leadership program of SEAMEO INNOTECH is part of the annual 10-month pre-service training of NIE. The Center has been conducting this program with NIE for four years now.
Know more about SEAMEO INNOTECH’s School Leadership Program through our website.