INNOTECH conducts Philippine National Training Workshop for SEADSTEM
On 12 February 2019, SEAMEO INNOTECH facilitated the 1st National Training Workshop in the Philippines for the Southeast Asian Digital STEM Platform, or SEADSTEM. Nineteen secondary school teachers in the country participated in the said workshop held in Quezon City, Philippines.
(Related article: INNOTECH and Goethe-Institut conduct second round of workshop for SEADSTEM)
SEADSTEM is a regional platform that aims to improve the quality of instruction in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics using digital education media. The platform also aims to foster project-oriented thinking among educators, allowing them to teach the subjects in an integrated approach. The beta version of the platform has been set up in 2018 and initial contents have been developed and uploaded to the platform.
National training workshops are happening simultaneously in the different Southeast Asian countries to introduce the platform to pilot schools. The workshop also served as a venue to deepen teachers’ understanding of STEM, as well as to share good practices on how they can teach STEM subjects in an integrated manner. The participants also had the chance to evaluate the current contents of SEADSTEM by developing a lesson plan that makes use of an activity found in the platform.
The feedback of teachers gathered from the different national training workshops in the region will serve as input to the assessment workshop that will be held in May 2019.
The SEADSTEM project is a collaborative work of SEAMEO INNOTECH and Goethe Institut. The national training workshop held in the Philippines was facilitated by Mr. Jesse Tuason, one of the project managers of SEADSTEM, and Ms. Rhodalyn Caluag and Ms. Sarah Ocampo, the two teacher-representatives of the Philippines to the SEADSTEM regional development team.