INNOTECH conducts phase I of Regional SELM
On 18-22 May 2015, SEAMEO INNOTECH, through its Learning and Training Development Unit, conducted the first Phase of the Regional Scholarship for Education Leaders and Managers (SELM). This program focuses on one of the five major competencies of the 2014 Competency Framework for Southeast Asian School Heads. Strategic Thinking and Innovation (STI) ranked as the most essential competency where training is needed the most.
Designed to prepare the school leaders for the challenging and fast-changing education environment, the program aims to strengthen the school heads’ competencies in defining the strategic direction of their school, making informed decisions, and leading change and innovation to bring their schools to a new level of excellence.
Using the INNOTECH Flexible Learning System (iFLEX), 17 participants joined the online interaction for the Phase 1 of this learning program. Through this, the participants were able to voice out their concerns and issues related to their strategic leadership and leading innovations.
Phase 2 of the program, which will be a face-to-face interaction focused on action planning is scheduled on the third week of June 2015.