INNOTECH conducts Knowledge Management Benchmarking
In line with the implementation of the Center’s 9th Five-year Development Plan (9FYDP), as well as its transition to ISO 9001: 2015 version, SEAMEO INNOTECH, through its Knowledge Management and Networking Office (KMNO), conducts initial steps to scale up its existing Knowledge Management system.
Knowledge Management (KM) is one of SEAMEO INNOTECH’s core programmatic responses for its 9FYDP along with Capacity Building and Learning Services and Educational Research and Innovation. The Center sees KM’s valuable contribution in achieving its goals and objectives, making sure that knowledge produced by the Center reaches its desired stakeholders. In order to strengthen the Center’s KM system, selected KMNO staff and partners benchmarked with notable development organizations known for their KM systems and practices.
On 23 March 2017, KMNO staff members visited the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for a knowledge sharing session. ADB’s Knowledge Sharing and Services Center (KSSC), led by Ms. Carolyn D. Cabrera, shared the practices, systems, and tools used in their knowledge management. They generously shared their KM journey and its contribution to their core business processes. The KSSC also demonstrated the organization’s existing KM tools and infrastructures for knowledge sharing and capture.

ADB’s KSSC staff with SEAMEO INNOTECH’s KMNO staff
A week after, 28 March 2017, another set of KMNO staff members visited the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEAMEO SEARCA) for the same purpose. SEARCA’s Knowledge Management Department, led by Dr. Maria Celeste H. Cadiz, shared their KM programs, operations and knowledge products. They also shared about their knowledge portals for their information centers dedicated to specific topics like biotechnology, climate change and food and nutrition security.
Apart from these benchmarking activities, the Office has re-introduced KM internally through a “Lots of Learning” session in February. The session was facilitated by Prof. Garry Jay S. Montemayor, Chair of the Department of Science Communication in the College of Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los Baños.
These activities are expected to contribute to the Center’s KM system currently being enhanced. With the improved KM system, wider audience is expected to be reached and knowledge sharing, internally and externally, is hoped to advance further.