INNOTECH and ULM partner again for strategic leadership and governance learning program
SEAMEO INNOTECH was once again tapped by the Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM), a premier state university in Indonesia, to develop a customized learning program for the Deans and Department Heads of the University. This time round, the learning program focused on strategic leadership and governance. The said learning program happened on 12-19 November 2016 in Manila, Philippines.
Twenty-three (23) participants consisting of a rector, vice rectors, directors, deans, and heads of departments were able to discuss current and emerging context of higher education reforms throughout the week-long program. They were also able to identify and assess their expanded roles as academic and administrative leaders based on the changing academic landscape.
The participants also had the opportunity to assess innovations in study programs, research, services and institutional system by visiting three Higher Education Institutions in the Philippines. They visited De La Salle University, a private comprehensive university with a well-developed practicum and leadership programs, the Technological Institute of the Philippines, a private institution which gained international academic accreditation for its engineering and computing programs from the US-based ABET (formerly known as the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology considered the global gold standards in engineering and computing education accreditation) and the Seoul Accord, and the University of the Philippine Los Baños, a state university that has played an influential role in Asian agriculture and biotechnology due to its pioneering efforts in plant breeding and bioengineering, particularly in the development of high-yielding and pest-resistant crops.
The week-long learning program was concluded with the participants developing their strategic action plan to strengthen ULM’s quality assurance policies, system, and processes.