INNOTECH and DepEd BCD co-develop explainer video on SHS tracks and strands
The Career Guidance Program (CGP) of the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) aims to guide secondary-level students in choosing the right SHS strands in the Philippines for the careers they intend to pursue to become productive and contributing members of society. This includes planning for and determining the student’s track and strand of Senior High School, choosing their curriculum exits, and planning for their future.
In support of this program, SEAMEO INNOTECH and the DepEd Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD) jointly developed the explainer video on Philippine Senior High School (SHS) Strands and Tracks.
(Related article: DepEd promotes INNOTECH’s MCDP Resources during the National Orientation on Career Guidance Program)
What is the K to 12 program
The K to 12 program was developed to give students more time to absorb and master the fundamental skills they need to pursue further education or start their careers.
Diving into what the purpose of senior high school is, SHS tracks were developed to give students relevant knowledge and experience in the professions they choose to pursue. Given the various tracks to take and how many strands in SHS there are, students must understand their differences to wisely decide which path fits their career goals.
Breaking Down the SHS Strands and tracks in the Philippines
In the country’s K to 12 curriculum, there are four tracks:
- Academic Track
- Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track
- Arts and Design Track
- Sports Track
Under the Academic Track––which is a common track pursued, there are various strands of senior high school that students can take:
- Accountancy, Business and Management Strand (ABS)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
- Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) Strand
- General Academic Strand (GAS)
These four strands allow students to learn the basics of their preferred college course and gain skills that can help them transition to tertiary studies.
The Importance of SHS
The goal of senior high school courses is to equip students with skills that can help them thrive in further education. Moving to collegiate-level studies has shown to be overwhelming in many aspects therefore being prepared in academics can lessen the pressures of tertiary education.
By understanding the basics of the careers students want to pursue, they’re investing in their future and challenging themselves by exploring their capabilities in solving real-world problems.
Innotech and DepEd’s SHS Explainer Video
The SHS video by Deped and SEAMEO INNOTECH comprehensively explains the different tracks and discusses the strands of senior high school, career exits, and possible career opportunities. The video highlights the requirements of enrolling in senior high school and other supporting materials to help in the career guidance process of how to know your strand in SHS.
One important resource is the Multiple Career Development Pathways (MCDP) Toolkit by SEAMEO INNOTECH, which offers activities that support the Career Guidance Program (CGP). The MCDP Toolkit and Presentations are accessible on INNOTECH’s website, while the MCDP videos are on INNOTECH’s YouTube Channel.
While the SHS Tracks and Strands video is still in its pilot version, it has already been included in the DepEd Memo titled “Career Guidance Program for SY 2021 to 2022.” In fact, a User Feedback Rapid Assessment involving 7,199 CGP implementers confirmed its effectiveness, while another study on monitoring of the Philippine SHS program was conducted to measure its success.
The Philippine SHS Tracks and Strands explainer video can be freely downloaded from the DepEd Learning Resource Portal and SEAMEO INNOTECH’s YouTube Channel.
As the center for education development, the CGP by DepEd and SEAMEO INNOTECH empowers students to select the right SHS path, fostering their growth and development as professionals. The explainer video aids students in understanding the K to 12 educational system and the varying tracks and strands of senior high school.