Handbook on developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on WASH in Schools (WinS)
Inspired by the Philippine WinS MOOC experience, the GIZ Fit for School Africa Initiative, and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) – together with the Regional Fit for School Programme and SEAMEO INNOTECH, developed the WinS MOOC Orientation Guide as guidance for development partners supporting country governments in designing large-scale training courses.
The handbook will provide insights on preconditions and principles for developing a national WinS MOOC, recommendations for self-assessing the institutional set-up of the education sector and practical examples on structure, content and course outline of a typical WinS MOOC based on the Philippine example.
The Philippines MOOCs on WinS were developed with support of GIZ, through its Regional Fit for School Programme and in partnership with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Educational and Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH) to support the Department of Education’s roll-out of WinS policy. Analysis of pilot run data suggests that schools with course completers improved their WASH conditions using the Three Star Approach for WinS. Since its launch in 2019, the WinS MOOCs have reached almost 23,000 sub-national personnel, school heads and teachers assigned on WinS program implementation.
The emergence of COVID-19 highlighted the role of WinS as a pandemic preparedness and response strategy. It has created an even greater demand for capacity building on WinS in the education sector through digital training platforms to reach target audience at scale and with uniform messaging on WinS.
Read more about the Philippines WinS MOOCs, including the instructional methodology, on this Factsheet and the MOOC Development Orientation Guide following this link: https://www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/resources-and-publications/library/details/4832.