Free online courses for School Heads
[Update 7 April 2020]
We are grateful for the overwhelming response to our online courses. Unfortunately, we can no longer accommodate additional applicants. Classes will begin on the first week of May 2020 for those who have passed the screening process.
SEAMEO INNOTECH is offering three online courses for school heads this summer. Browse through the brief descriptions below and pick the course that’s right for you.
1. LEADeXCELS (Excellence in Leading Education in Emergency Situations for Southeast Asian School Heads)
This online course intends to equip you with the competencies needed in performing your roles in school disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM).
To register to the course, click here: bit.ly/LEADEXCELS
2. HEALTHeXCELS (Health Management Excellence for Southeast Asian School Heads)
This online course intends to equip you in improving your school as a healthy setting conducive to learning by effectively managing and implementing school-based health programs.
To register to the course, click here: bit.ly/HEALTHeXCELS
3. PEACEeXCELS (Peace Education Excellence in School Leadership for Southeast Asia)
This online course intends to equip the participants in promoting and exercising a culture of peace and respect for cultural diversity.
To register to the course, click here: bit.ly/PEACEXCELS
For more school leadership programs, follow our FB page: School Leadership