SEAMEO INNOTECH Community Forum Guidelines and Rules
Welcome to the SEAMEO INNOTECH Community Forum! We created this platform to give education leaders, researchers, schools heads, teachers, and learners around Southeast Asia an online venue to discuss relevant education issues. We’ve set up some simple rules to keep our platform safe and meaningful for all members. Please read this Forum first before creating a topic and/or post. Thank you!
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4 years, 6 months ago
Digital Technology in Education
Digital technology deals with the creation and practical use of digital devices, methods, and systems. How do you use digital technologies in education? Share it in this Forum!
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4 years, 6 months ago
Digital Citizenship
During this time of pandemic, people are spending more time online. This opens the door to a world of numerous opportunities and risks, which can lead to both negative and positive experiences. Teachers can play a powerful, positive role in helping young people use these technologies safely and considerately. How do you teach digital citizenship to your learners?
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4 years, 6 months ago
Early Childhood Care and Education
Early childhood, or the period from birth to eight years old as defined by UNESCO, is an important stage of learning. During this stage, children are highly curious of their environment as they start to grow and develop. Early Childhood Care and Education is important in the development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs. Share your ECCE practices in this Forum!
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4 years, 6 months ago
School Health Care and Nutrition
School health care and nutrition is considered crucial to improving quality and access to education. The focus of SHCN in recent decades has shifted away from preventing diseases and towards promoting and protecting the health and well-being of all pupils, particularly those who are poor and vulnerable. How do you keep your learners safe and healthy in school?
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3 years, 3 months ago
Inclusive Quality Education
While education is considered as a key factor for a society’s development, access to inclusive quality education remains a big challenge worldwide. What can we do to achieve this goal?6
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4 years, 6 months ago
ASEAN Integration
In 1967, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established to address political security concerns in Southeast Asia. Three decades later, the ASEAN Vision 2020 was formulated; it envisions closer economic, political, and socio-cultural integration among ASEAN nations. ASEAN leaders aim to develop and strengthen an “ASEAN citizenship” that will facilitate economic and socio-cultural integration within the context of member countries’ cultural and political diversity. Share your thoughts on ASEAN Integration on this Forum!
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4 years, 6 months ago
Alternative Delivery Modes
There are many barriers that can push learners out of the formal school system, among which are geographical distance, poverty, conflict, natural disasters, health problems, teenage pregnancy, and other challenging circumstances. Alternative delivery modes (ADMs) are education solutions that may help students who are not in regular schools acquire the needed basic learning competencies and life skills. What are your ADM practices?
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4 years, 6 months ago
Passion for Teaching
One that keeps teachers teaching is their passion for their profession. What about you? What motivates you to keep on teaching?
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4 years, 6 months ago
Hello, INNOTECH Alumni! It’s been a while since you’ve been part of our learning programs. How are you now? Share how your learning experience in INNOTEH programs affected your life and career.
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4 years, 6 months ago
General Education Discussions
If the topic you want to discuss does not fit in the themes above, share it here!
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2 days, 6 hours ago
Elsa Blake