DepEd Region VIII Multigrade Program Implementers Complete Training on Contextualization and Multigrade Instruction in Tacloban City
In line with the tripartite cooperation agreement among SEAMEO INNOTECH, the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd), and UNICEF, a series of multigrade (MG) trainings in Tacloban were held in the first half of 2019. These capacity building activities were conducted as part of the project, “Strengthening Delivery of Multigrade Program in Region 8” (SDMG R8). INNOTECH in collaboration with UNICEF facilitated two programs on instruction and contextualization for multigrade program implementers in Region VIII.
The MG training series is a result of a consultative workshop done in 2018 that identified priority learning interventions for MG implementers. The two MG training programs aim to address the identified training needs on Curriculum and Planning; Learning Environment; Content, Knowledge, and Pedagogy; and Diversity of Learners.
The training on contextualization of MG teaching-learning materials held in February 2019 gathered 45 key players in the MG program implementation, which comprised of the Education Program Supervisor of Learning Resources, MG coordinators from the Regional Office and Schools Division Office, and MG scholars. The 5-day training allowed the MG key players to be familiar on existing MG teaching-learning materials. It also briefed the participants on how to use these resources accordingly depending on the situation and context of their learners.
The 5-day training on MG instruction, on the other hand, was held in two batches in April and May 2019. It gathered 300 MG teachers from the 100 identified schools in the Divisions of Samar and Northern Samar. The training on MG instruction focused on building the capacities of the teachers in delivering evidence-based and effective instruction for diverse learners.
Through the panel discussions and workshop activities in the training programs conducted, the participating MG implementers generated a number of action plans on how they can apply their new learning in their respective schools.
With this project, SEAMEO INNOTECH, UNICEF, and DepEd were able to collaboratively support the capacity building requirements of MG implementers in the hope of improving quality of learning in disadvantaged multigrade schools in the region.