DepEd promotes INNOTECH’s MCDP Resources during the National Orientation on Career Guidance Program
Following the endorsement of the Department of Education (DepEd) on the use of Multiple Career Development Pathways (MCDP) Toolkit for the Career Guidance Program (CGP), INNOTECH facilitated a session during DepEd’s National Orientation on 11 February 2021. Through the orientation, INNOTECH introduced the MCDP Resources and guided the CGP implementers on how to use the MCDP Toolkit and videos.
(Related article: DepEd endorses INNOTECH’s Multiple Career Development Pathways Toolkit)
The DepEd’s CGP aims to guide students in exploring their choices and in making responsible informed decisions relevant to their career paths. Specifically, the program helps students in choosing their career track and strand for Senior High School (SHS), in choosing their curriculum exits after graduation, and in planning for their future career path. In November 2020, DepEd released an advisory, encouraging advisers, career advocates, and guidance counselors to use INNOTECH’s MCDP Toolkit for the CGP sessions for senior high school students. A more recent memorandum detailing the implementation of the CGP for S.Y. 2020- 2021, released by DepEd’s Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), added the MCDP Toolkit as a supplementary material for Grade 10 career guidance as well.
The MCDP Toolkit developed from 2017-2018, is a collection of tools and activities in conducting career coaching following the principles of developmental guidance and counseling. It was initially targeted to homeroom guidance teachers of Grade 10 or incoming senior high school students. One of the main goals of the Toolkit is to help students in choosing their SHS tracks and strands. Nonetheless, many of the activities and tools are also applicable to upper senior high school students. The activities included in the Toolkit will help guide the students in accomplishing the steps in using the career assessment tools on how to reach their desired career goal.
In line with the implementation of the CGP this school year, DepEd organized an online National Orientation on Career Guidance Program on 11 February 2021 via MS Teams. Regional supervisors, division supervisors, and program implementers all over the country participated in the National Orientation. INNOTECH, represented by Ms. Yolanda Castillo-Delas Alas, Senior Specialist of the Educational Innovations Unit, oriented the CGP implementers on the use of the MCDP Toolkit. Ms. Delas Alas also shared information about the pilot implementation of the MCDP Toolkit and the explainer videos in San Pedro Relocation Center National High School in San Pedro, Laguna.
During the National Orientation, DepEd BCD reiterated its suggestion to promote the use of MCDP Toolkit as a supplementary CGP resource for Grade 10. Additionally, BCD mentioned that the Toolkit is an appropriate self-learning module for Grade 10 learners, especially under the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan. The MCDP Toolkit is supported by explainer videos to better guide teachers and career advocates in using the Toolkit. The 6-part explainer videos have been officially turned over to DepEd on 8 February 2021 and are now available on the SEAMEO INNOTECH YouTube Channel and on the DepEd Learning Resource Portal.
Learn more about the Multiple Career Development Pathways (MCDP) Toolkit! You may access and download the Toolkit on our website and through the DepEd Learning Resource Portal.