DepEd endorses wider dissemination of INNOTECH Multigrade Program Review and M&E System
The Philippine Department of Education (DepEd), through the Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, has endorsed the INNOTECH publications and videos developed under the project, Technical Support to Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (MPPE). A Memorandum was circulated to the Regional Offices on 17 June 2020 encouraging the dissemination of the knowledge products.
(Related article: Review of the Multigrade Program in the Philippines)
Since 1993, MPPE has been considered as one the Department’s strategies to respond to the issue of access to quality education. To further assist this initiative, DepEd has identified the review of the program as a research priority in the 2016 Basic Education National Research Agenda. The review was carried out under the tripartite agreement between SEAMEO INNOTECH, UNICEF, and DepEd. This tripartite cooperation aims to provide educational programs and projects for disadvantaged communities in the Philippines within the next six years. And the Review on MPPE is just the first to their series of collaborative projects.
Earlier this year, INNOTECH has published the findings and recommendations of the Multigrade program Review (A Review of the Current Situation and Practices of Multigrade Schools in the Philippines), the Philippine Multigrade Schools Monitoring and Evaluation System (PMS MES) Handbook (Philippine Multigrade Schools Monitoring and Evaluation System), and explainer videos as further dissemination support to the TS-MPPE project. These research products may be used by the different Regional Offices and Schools Division Offices in enhancing their program implementation for the Multigrade schools in their respective areas. The videos may also be used for program reviews and trainings.
Usec. Diosdado M. San Antonio, Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, encouraged the Regional Directors to disseminate the research products to their respective School Division Offices (SDO). “It is encouraged that the findings and recommendations in the review be used optimally to address the challenges of improving delivery of quality, accessible relevant, and liberating basic education in Multigrade schools,” he said.
Know more about the Multigrade Program in Philippine Education project through this playlist.