30 Jan Teach On 2020-3 certificates now available for download
The certificates for Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive 2020-3 (Course run: September 15 to November 16, 2020) are now available for download on the INNOTECH website....
The certificates for Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive 2020-3 (Course run: September 15 to November 16, 2020) are now available for download on the INNOTECH website....
SEAMEO INNOTECH joins the Department of Education in celebrating the signing of the Philippine Alternative Learning System (ALS) Act as a milestone in moving forward the country’s system of non-formal education. The ALS Act, or Republic Act No. 11510, provides support to ensure that more...
Senior High School is one of the key stages in basic education. At this stage, students prepare for and explore different career options and decide on a path that suits them best. Choosing a career path is a difficult decision that students must make, and...
On 2 October 2020, INNOTECH held the annual Teachers’ Forum in line with the celebration of the National Teachers’ Month (NTM). At this year’s forum, INNOTECH shared the results of its recently concluded research project on the motivation of Filipino Teachers. The research project’s report...
Enrolment for the fourth run of INNOTECH’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive, is now open! The course will run on Coursebank starting 30 November 2020....
The energy and enthusiasm of teacher leaders in Southeast Asian region is truly inspiring. In a series of country-based BBTE Learning Circle, teachers from Myanmar, Vietnam, and Brunei Darussalam came together in a Zoom meeting to share their stories with each other as they onboard...
Have you ever heard of Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning? While the term may sound new, the IBTL practice is something already being done by a lot of teachers to stimulate curiosity and scientific thinking in the minds of their students....
Hello, teachers! We would like you to invite you to a conversation on Saturday, 10AM at our country-based learning circle for teachers from the Philippines....
In celebration of the National Teachers' Month, SEAMEO INNOTECH, in partnership with the Department of Education, is convening a Teachers’ Forum on "TEACHER MOTIVATION: iTEACH FOR A BETTER FUTURE" on 2 October 2020 at 10 AM to 12 NN. The forum will be livestreamed through...
We are pleased to inform you that ALL certificates for Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive 2020-2 (Course run May 18 to July 15, 2020) have been released....
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