20 Aug Test administrators’ training for the ECCD longitudinal study
On 10-11 August 2015, SEAMEO INNOTECH facilitated a two-day training for the test administrators of the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) [. . .]...
On 10-11 August 2015, SEAMEO INNOTECH facilitated a two-day training for the test administrators of the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) [. . .]...
“UNESCO now wants to share your story with the whole world. The whole world wants to see the story of the Kariton Klasrum, and how it can inspire other countries to address the problem of out-of-school children [. . .]...
In 2000, the international community agreed on an agenda to reach six key educational goals by 2015—early childhood care and education, universal primary education, youth and adult skills, adult literacy [. . .]...
In preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015, the Philippines, along with 78 other countries, gathered a hundred of citizens representing a [. . .]...
SEAMEO INNOTECH was requested by the Education Development Center (EDC) to help design and conduct a series of audits of its alternative learning programs for Out of School Youth in conflict-affected areas of Muslim Mindanao as [. . .]...
“As educators, it is our responsibility to ensure that children would be able to go to a safe learning environment,” said Dr. Daravone Kittiphnah, one of the resource persons of the consultation meeting. [...
Education ministers and high-level education leaders from 10 member countries of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), convened at the Landmark Mekong Riverside Hotel in Vientiane, Lao PDR last 13th of September [. . .]...
In an effort to strengthen the pursuit of Education for All and MDG goals in Southeast Asia, SEAMEO INNOTECH, through its Research Studies Unit, will be conducting a scoping study on rights-based education in the region. [. . .]...
Curriculum and language experts converged for a one day workshop to determine the implications of the results of the nationwide early grade reading assessment (EGRA) conducted in February 2014....
With only a few details to work on, the Center is set to release the 2014 edition of the competency framework for Southeast Asian school heads. The competency framework has been enhanced since its presentation to INNOTECH GB members in 2013....
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