10 Mar Teach On passers for batch 2021-4
We are happy to announce that the certificates of the passers of Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive batch 2021-4, which was implemented from 19 November 2021 - 22 January 2022, have been released....
We are happy to announce that the certificates of the passers of Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive batch 2021-4, which was implemented from 19 November 2021 - 22 January 2022, have been released....
More than 350 educators from Southeast Asian countries joined the SEAMEO INNOTECH Regional Forum from 27-28 January 2022. Teachers, school leaders, policy makers, education officials and advocates, parents, and students gathered to contribute to the discourse on the future of schools, answering the question: “how...
To help provide learning continuity in different emergency situations, SEAMEO INNOTECH recently developed the Alternative Education in Emergencies Resource Kit. This is a resource kit for teachers and administrators on how alternative and flexible learning options can improve access to quality education in times of...
Under the USAID-funded project, Opportunity 2.0: Second-Chance Opportunities for Out-of-School Youth, SEAMEO INNOTECH teamed up with the Education Development Cooperation (EDC) to develop a Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Operations Handbook for the Alternative Learning System (ALS) and a Capacity Building program for ALS implementers. These...
Congratulations to the successful course completers of Teach On 2021-2 and 2021-3! Successful completers for the course run implemented from July 23 to September 24, 2021 are now available. An email will be sent to each completer for the download link of the eCertificate. Alternatively, the...
With the travel restrictions still in place, the 65th Governing Board Meeting of SEAMEO INNOTECH was once again conducted online. The Center’s Governing Board (GB), comprising of senior representatives from the Ministries of Education of SEAMEO-member countries, the Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, and the Director...
One of SEAMEO INNOTECH’s Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), “TEACH ON: Keeping the Passion Alive,” will be offered again for free starting 19 November 2021. The course, which aims to inspire, rekindle, and sustain teacher’s passion for teaching, is open to all teachers worldwide....
On 10 September 2021, SEAMEO INNOTECH conducted its virtual graduation ceremonies to commemorate the success of the Flexible Learners in Region II. More than 300 teachers and school heads completed the courses GURO21 Course 1, GURO21 Course 2, TEACHeXCELS, and SUPEReXCELS....
As schools prepare for the re-opening of classes, one of their top priorities now is to make sure that learners are always safe and healthy, no matter what education setup they are in....
Congratulations to the successful course completers of Teach On 2021-1! The certificates of the successful course completers are now accessible and downloadable. Completers will receive an email with a link to their certificate download page. You can also access and download your certificate from the INNOTECH...
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