he SEAMEO Council (SEAMEC) has approved the one-year extension of the term of the SEAMEC presidency starting 2011. Consequently, the SEAMEC Conference will be held...
he SEAMEO Council (SEAMEC) has approved the one-year extension of the term of the SEAMEC presidency starting 2011. Consequently, the SEAMEC Conference will be held...
Former SEAMEO INNOTECH Director Dr. Erlinda C. Pefianco was awarded the Medal for Educational Achievements by the SEAMEO Regional Training Center (RETRAC) last January 13, 2011....
To be able to fully process the lessons and experiences gained by the District Supervisors Leadership (DSL) Program, the participants from the Philippines’ Region III...
In partnership with UNESCO’s Asia and Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL), SEAMEO INNOTECH organized the Regional Experts Meeting on Developing a Resource Pack on Creating and Sustaining Literate Events....
SEAMEO Council President and Philippine Education Secretary Br. Armin A. Luistro posed a challenge to INNOTECH to identify which of its flagship projects could be upscaled and sustained for maximum impact...
It is expected that with this program the Lao officials gained knowledge and skills in developing essential plans and programs focused on improving access to education for implementation in their country....
The Lao PDR Department of Nonformal Education (DNFE) under its Ministry of Education, in coordination with the UNESCO Bangkok and AusAID, engaged SEAMEO INNOTECH for a weeklong study...
The SEAMEO Multi-lingual Education (MLE) Core Group went on a brief study tour in Thailand and China to gain exposure on the actual implementation of effective and sustainable mother tongue-based MLE programs....
The Philippine Department of Education (DedED) is allocating 200 million pesos to strengthen the implementation of the technology enhanced e-IMPACT....
The National Educators’ Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) under the Department of Education (DepED) will soon implement the next offerings of ICeXCELS program....
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