Cambodia and Lao PDR exchange ‘Fit for School’ learning
The Regional Fit for School continues its South-South Cooperation through regional exchanges, networking, and capacity development for water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in schools. This program jointly implemented by SEAMEO INNOTECH and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has been featured in a UN publication as one of the Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Development.
(Related link: Fit for School: A Good Practice in South-South Cooperation)
On 3-4 April 2017, the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) of Lao PDR held a learning exchange between six Provincial Education and Sports Bureaus implementing the Fit for School Programme in Thakek, Lao PDR. A delegate from Kampot Provincial Office of Education in Cambodia participated in the exchange as Kampot is the focus scale-up province of Fit for School in Cambodia. The learning exchange was joined by 60 participants from the provinces of Khammouane, Bolikhamxay, Bokeo, Champasak, Vientiane Capital and Oudomxay.
The 2-day exchange focused on experiences and challenges in implementing Fit for School. The discussions mainly revolved around the question of how to effectively manage the limited resources in the education sector in order to establish routines in hygiene that lead to behaviour change in the children. Group activities complemented the participants’ discussions.
Regional Fit for School focuses on daily hand washing, daily tooth brushing, and bi-annual deworming. Know more about the Fit for School Program at www.fitforschool.international.