CALL FOR PROPOSALS: SEAMEO INNOTECH Research Partnership Grant (SI RPG) Batch 2
Educational research organizations and institutions within the Southeast Asian region are invited to apply for the SEAMEO INNOTECH Research Partnership Grant (SI RPG). The call for proposals will end on 31 January 2023.
The SEAMEO INNOTECH Research Partnership Grant, or SI RPG, is a mechanism that encourages collaborative research projects among suitably qualified research organizations or institutions. It seeks to enhance the richness, diversity, and depth of SEAMEO INNOTECH research portfolio, while also expanding and strengthening institutional partnership.
As a Partnership Grant mechanism, the SI RPG is envisioned to operate on trust between and among partners. This calls for mutually beneficial relationships for all partners, which include but are not limited to sharing of: knowledge and information on the research focus; capacities, skills, values and experiences in the research process; and resources in the implementation and completion of the research project.
For this cycle, the theme for the SI RPG is “Contextualizing 21st century skills in different realities of learning among children affected by intra & inter country migration and/or marginalization.” Interested organizations and institutions may submit their requirements on/before 31 January 2023 via email to Dr. Sherlyne Almonte-Acosta (she@seameo-innotech.org) or Ms. Jailyn Puerto (jailyn@seameo-innotech.org.
For more information on the grant and its requirements, please visit: https://bit.ly/SIRPG2Guidelines.