INNOTECH Initiates Pilot Implementation of ALS Monitoring and Evaluation System
INNOTECH co-facilitated the initial implementation of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Monitoring and Evaluation System (M&E System) in Panabo City, Davao del Norte, Philippines last 19 September 2023 and in Bulacan, Philippines on 28 September 2023. The Center developed the M&E system and participated in this event organized by the Philippine Department of Education Bureau of Alternative Education (DepED BAE).
SEAMEO INNOTECH, in coordination with DepED BAE and the Education Development Center (EDC) under USAID Opportunity 2.0, developed the ALS M&E System as part of the Opportunity 2.0 Program, which aimed to provide second-chance opportunities for out-of-school youth (OSY). Alternative Learning System program heads and managers can use the System to collect, sort, analyze, and validate the performance of ALS policies, programs, and projects set into motion. DepED will also use the System to locate all out-of-school youth in the Philippines, so they can be provided with new educational opportunities.

A focus group discussion (FGD) held during the monitoring session in Bulacan, Philippines.
INNOTECH monitored the pilot implementation of the M&E system by collecting data on the experience of users and stakeholders at different levels on the implementation of the M&E system. This was done through focus group discussions (FGDs). Mr. Rey Macalindong, the M&E consultant of SEAMEO INNOTECH served as the lead facilitator of the focus group discussions (FGD) during the event. He was joined by Ms. Ethel Joan Atienza, the SEAMEO INNOTECH Opportunity 2.0 Project Lead and Ms. Nicole Andrea Reyes, Project Senior Associate who served as co-facilitators, along with other officers of DepEd BAE.

Officials from the Philippine Department of Education Bureau of Alternative Education (DepED BAE) conduct a focus group discussion (FDG) in Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines.
The attendees, composed of division office personnel, key stakeholders, focal persons, and ALS teachers, also visited community learning centers as part of the monitoring program.
A total of ten division officials and ALS teachers attended the session in Panabo City while 27 joined the event in Bulacan. To further strengthen the system’s implementation, INNOTECH will continue to conduct more monitoring sessions, including one that will be held in Masbate, Legazpi City, and Leyte from October to November 2023.
The comments and insights that will be gained from all monitoring events will be used to update the existing Alternative Learning System M&E Handbook. Once updated, the handbook will serve as the basis for the upcoming ALS M&E training in December 2023.