61st SEAMEO INNOTECH Governing Board Meeting
On 17-19 October 2017, Governing Board members of SEAMEO INNOTECH convened in Quezon City, Philippines to celebrate the accomplishments of the Center for the past Fiscal Year and discuss the direction of INNOTECH for the coming year. The 61st Governing Board Meeting was attended by high officials and representatives from the 11 SEAMEO member countries and SEAMEO Secretariat, as well as the Center’s Management Committee.
SEAMEO INNOTECH Director, Dr. Ramon C. Bacani, led the discussion of the Center’s accomplishments, on-going programs and projects, financial status, ISO certifications, SEAMEO Education Development Fund (SEDF), and 15th International Conference. The Board applauded the success of the Center’s programs and projects, and committed their continuous support to the Center.
(Related article: DepEd Secretary Briones emphasizes need for alternative learning system)
Some of the programs and projects highlighted in the meeting are the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Longitudinal Study, and GURO21 which recently received the Wenhui Award 2017: Educational Innovation in the Professional Development of Teachers. Also, the Center was awarded its ISO certifications for ISO 9001:2015 on Quality Management System and ISO 29990:2010 on Learning Services for Non-Formal Education and Training during the Opening Ceremonies of the meeting.
Also, through the Meeting, the Governing Board approved the conduct of the integrated SEDF course for 2018-2020.
The Governing Board Meeting is an annual meeting held to review the Center’s programs, set policies and directions, and approve program priorities for the succeeding year.