60th Governing Board Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand
The Governing Board members of SEAMEO INNOTECH convened on 19-21 October in Bangkok, Thailand to discuss the Center’s accomplishments for the past year, as well as its direction and future plans. The 60th Governing Board Meeting was attended by representatives from SEAMEO member countries, SEAMEO Secretariat, and the Management Committee of SEAMEO INNOTECH.
Dr. Ramon C. Bacani, SEAMEO INNOTECH Director, led the meeting to discuss the Center’s accomplishments, projects and initiatives, financial matters, staff development matters, transition to ISO 9001:2015, updates on the SEAMEO Education Development Fund (SEDF) and SEAMEO INNOTECH Regional Scholarship for Education Leaders and Managers (SELM), and preparations for the upcoming 15th International Conference.
Some of the highlighted projects and initiatives were the SEAMEO INNOTECH Regional Education Program (SIREP), Regional Networking, Technology Infrastructure, Campus Development and Workspace Improvement, and status of the Research and Innovation Fund (RIF).
The Governing Board Meeting is held annually to guide the Center in its policies and directions.