3 flexible courses concludes in Region VIII
Three SEAMEO INNOTECH flexible courses concluded in Region VIII on 1 August 2018 in partnership with Leyte Normal University. A total of 47 learners successfully completed GURO21 Course 1, TEACHeXCELS, and SUPEReXCELS courses.
Twenty classroom teachers completed their GURO21 Course 1 or Gearing Up Responsible and Outstanding Teachers in Southeast Asia for the 21st Century. GURO21 is a menu of flexible learning courses targeted for school teachers. Course 1 focuses on enhancing the teachers’ knowledge, skills, attitude, and values on teaching and learning in the 21st century.
For TEACHeXCELS, ten school heads graduated from the course. Through Teaching and Learning Excellence in School Leadership for Southeast Asia, or TEACHeXCELS, the School Heads were trained to strengthen their capacities in managing the teaching and learning processes in their schools.
Supervision Excellence in School Leadership for Southeast Asia, or SUPEReXCELS, on the other hand, is a course that addresses the need to develop and strengthen the school heads’ competencies for developmental, differentiated and clinical supervision. Seventeen School Heads were able to complete this course.
All learners underwent 9 weeks of flexible learning which started in March 2018. The recently concluded revalida or validation activity served as their final evaluation for the entire duration of the course.