2 free INNOTECH online courses open for registration
INNOTECH continues to provide support to teachers in this uncertain time through free online course offerings. HEALTHeXCELS and Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive will run again this August and September.
In partnership with GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), INNOTECH will have a second run of HEALTHeXCELS for free. The course is intended for school heads, teacher-leaders, and WASH in Schools (WinS) Coordinators. It aims to equip the participants with program management skills to improve their school as a healthy setting conducive for learning through school-based health programs.
Registration for the course is now open through bit.ly/healthexcelsgiz. Interested participants will undergo a screening process. Qualified participants will receive an official acceptance email from SEAMEO INNOTECH, which includes details on the course schedule, activities, and platform (iFlex).
Upon completion of the course requirements, successful participants will receive an International Certificate of Competence and 15 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) credits.
For more details, you may check out this link: bit.ly/healthexcelsgizfaq.
Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive (September)
TEACH ON: Keeping the Passion Alive, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for teachers, is now open again for enrollment. This is now the third run of the course this year. The widely popular course aims to inspire and rekindle teachers’ passion for teaching.
The course is open to all interested teachers. Enrollment details are found through bit.ly/teachon2020-3howtoenroll. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found on bit.ly/teachon2020-3faq. Successful completers of the course will receive an international certificate and 15 CPD credits.
Teach On begins this 15 September 2020. You may also follow the program’s Facebook page for updates.
We hope that through these free courses, we can help teachers in their efforts to provide learners with continuous and improved learning experience, even in this time of pandemic. For more updates on our upcoming courses and activities, follow us, @SEAMEOINNOTECH, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.